It’s International Women’s Day today.
It’s not just about celebration; it’s about human rights recognition for women: the right to education, to vote, to be elected, to own land and businesses, to create, and to choose their own paths without barriers.
While we can see progress, unfortunately, even today, in quite a few cultures, these barriers are often put in place when women are still young, shaping their futures before they even have a say, pressuring them to become mothers and stay-at-home wives, as if that is their only destiny.
In many other cultures, women are not only expected to become mothers but also to endure jobs they don’t even like simply to bring in money, leaving them emotionally and physically drained from carrying both responsibilities. This makes it incredibly challenging for them to find the time or energy to pursue their own dreams.
And of course, we must also remember that not all women are passionate about motherhood or domestic life, and that the choice should be theirs to make, not society’s to impose.
To all women: Your choice, your dream, and your voice matter!!
To all men: true strength lies in support and partnership. By standing alongside the women in your life and recognising their rights, dreams, and voices, you create a world where both women and men can thrive. The purpose should never be about dominance or control; it should always be about working together for a win-win situation, where everyone has the freedom to grow, to choose, and to succeed.