Back in the cave days, everything was done collectively. Human survival depended on each other, so they had to huddle together to survive dangerous animals. There was no individualism. Everything must be done for the greater good. For everyone’s survival. Everyone was expected to be selfless. Fast forward now… where we no longer must huddle together to survive dangerous animals, selflessness that has been long glorified as a virtue, may be one of the roots of human misery.
Category: Dealing with Others
2+2 is 4… but so is 2.5+1.5; All roads lead to Rome
I’ve been wanting to write about how religious and spiritual people can have cult-like enthusiasm when it comes to spreading their beliefs and promising a happy life. Heck, even I can get into that enthusiasm too at times.
Respect Your Emotional Allergies: Set Your Boundaries Properly
This article is about emotional allergies, where the allergic reaction is not triggered by food but by certain people or behaviors.
How to Practice Self-Love: 8 Practical Tips
Self-love is important for our well-being. Not loving ourselves will eventually harm our mental health and ultimately affect our physical health. Loving ourselves is not only good for our well-being, but it’s also good for those whom we care about, as we have more energy and positive thoughts when dealing with them. Here Are 8 Practical Tips on How to Practice Self-Love
Things I’ve Learned Lately About People, Including Me
Over the past few weeks, through my own experiences, friends’ experiences, and some people in the forum I volunteer, I learned a few important lessons:
The Problem with the Golden Rule
The Golden Rule is a life philosophy that states “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” From Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, to Baháʼí Faith and many other religious and spiritual teachings, the Golden Rule seems to be the be-all-end-all approach for life. It is meant to inspire us to treat others the way we want to be treated. But why is it a problem for some, no, many people? What’s wrong with it? Here is why:
How to Practice Gratitude When You Think Everything Sucks
How do you feel when someone tells you, “look at the bright side, you still have a roof over your head” right after you let them know about a distressing event that has happened or is happening to you? Some of you who hate life (and people) may feel homicidal and perhaps also suicidal, as you already see life as something negative. You don’t care about anything good in life anymore. You may even feel like slapping anyone who tells you to be grateful for being alive. An interesting question may be, why bother practising gratitude at all? What are the benefits? The next equally interesting question would be, how to practise gratitude when everything sucks?
How to Not Get Manipulated
The aim of this post is to introduce you to the basic concept of manipulation. It’s not designed to hate manipulators (as all of us can be potential manipulators), but rather to understand why they are what they are, do what they do, and how they operate. It may help you avoid getting manipulated and avoid manipulating people intentionally or unintentionally.
Social Media: How to Use It to Your Advantage
These days, there have been many articles suggesting that we have a social media break. Or even further: delete our social media accounts altogether. My personal opinion about social media has been the same since 2008: it’s like a sharp knife. Just because it’s a sharp knife doesn’t mean it’s dangerous. Depending on how we hold and use it, a sharp knife can be extremely useful.
Should You Have Children: Traditionalist Parents, Childfree and Antinatalism Point of Views
Why do people want to have children? Why don’t people want to have children? In this post, I’d like to share what I’ve observed so far about the views of the Traditionalist parents, childfree supporters, and the Antinatalist community on whether or not people should have children. I will also share my personal view after the observation.