Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day, people. Yes, it’s also time to complain about how commercial the day is. But isn’t it nice to see roses, chocolates and teddy bears everywhere? So celebrate and be merry. If you’re single… celebrate how you love yourself. Buy yourself some presents: roses, chocolates, teddy bears… or tote bags. Here is a…

The Problem with the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is a life philosophy that states “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” From Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, to Baháʼí Faith and many other religious and spiritual teachings, the Golden Rule seems to be the be-all-end-all approach for life. It is meant to inspire us to treat others the way we want to be treated. But why is it a problem for some, no, many people? What’s wrong with it? Here is why:

Destructive and Productive Things to Do After a Breakup

Breakups have become something normal to me. It’s no longer an earthquake-like event. It’s more like, oh, we’re not compatible, OK then, bye. But I’d still cry solitarily if I really like the person. Sometimes I’d cry for several days. Or weeks. Or months. In this post, I’d like to share what I know (from personal experiences, personal observation on friends’ experiences, and from reading books and articles) about how to deal with breakups. The first part is how to deal with it destructively and the second part is how to deal with it productively.

If I Ever Have to Live in An Aged Care Home

A friend of mine visits his elderly mother every week and notices that the aged care home she’s in has many old people who are alone, and many of them look like they have no will to live. While feeling sad after hearing this and wanting to entertain them all, I also begin to plan what I’m going to do should I live in an aged care home one day (if I’m still alive). Here is my weekly plan:

Boring People Don’t Exist – Everyone Is Special

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always suspected that there’s no such thing as ‘boring people’. Every time I think a person is boring, I’d challenge myself to find why he/she appears to be boring. Do they find themselves boring too? What’s in their head? How can they live like that?