According to Jung’s theory, when we don’t like someone or certain people, it’s because there are aspects in them that trigger our shadow self, the part we try to hide from other people. However, I figured that the shadow-self theory is not the only reason when it comes to disliking or hating people. These will always be reasons – known or unknown – for people to dislike other people. They always exist. But acknowledging them is not enough. We have to know how to deal with them.
Category: Serious Stuff
This section is mainly for the observation and thoughts I have about life and people. In a mindful, serious manner. Mostly.
You Have to Keep Breaking Your Heart Until It Opens
The above quote came from Rumi, a 13th Century Persian poet, a Sufi mystic, who is also one of the most popular poets and ‘best-selling poet’ in the United States. While the quote can easily be interpreted differently, the meaning that I’ve understood so far is that, in the end, when our heart is broken, again and again, we’ll reach to a point where we end up opening our heart… to ourselves.
Emotional Crying: When It’s Good for Your Wellbeing and When You Need to Seek Help
To most people, crying is a big no-no. We are trained not to cry. We are trained to soothe other people who are crying by comforting them, confronting them, or diverting their sadness, just for them to stop crying. Despite the tendency of seeing crying as something negative, there have been studies showing the benefits of emotional crying.
Emotional Wound: What Is It? How Do We Heal From It?
Every human being experiences at least one emotional wound throughout their life. But if this wound is not resolved, not only it will impede their potential, but it will also be destructive over time.
Video Games: Good or Bad?
If you ask me: “Are video games good or bad?”, as a gamer, I’d answer: “Of course good.” But my common sense would say, “Depends. Like anything in life, anything can be good or bad depending on how you use it.”
Yes Being Happy Is Good, but Don’t Avoid Your Uncomfortable Emotions
Being happy is always a good feeling. Therefore, when faced with uncomfortable feelings, we often just get up and distract ourselves, hoping the uncomfortable feeling would go away. Because after all, happiness is a choice, right? We can choose to be happy. So what happens to the repressed feelings?
12 Mood-Boosting Activities You Can Do When You’re All Alone and Feeling Bored
Single people who live alone are among the loneliest during the lockdown. Some experience depression, some experience anxiety, some have the combo of both, and some simply experience boredom. So in case you’re back to the lockdown restriction, you need to know what to do to make you feel better when you’re alone. Here is a list of activities that may help lonely people to lighten up.
Don’t Get Attached to the Outcome, Just Enjoy the Moment… What? How?
Ever heard some wise sayings about not to get attached to the outcome and just enjoy the moment? I have. Often. As a goal-oriented enthusiast who’s passionately searching for better self-improvement, of course I have difficulty digesting this slogan. The above slogan seems to be mindless and irresponsible.
What Is Self Love
I used to think that ‘to love myself’ meant spoiling myself, indulging in all things and situations that make me feel good. Regardless of the consequences. Of course this concept is wrong.
Boring People Don’t Exist – Everyone Is Special
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always suspected that there’s no such thing as ‘boring people’. Every time I think a person is boring, I’d challenge myself to find why he/she appears to be boring. Do they find themselves boring too? What’s in their head? How can they live like that?