I took a cab home last night. The driver was quite chatty. He is an engineer who became a full-time taxi driver because he couldn’t find a job in his field. He’s also uncertain about what he wants to do, apart from just surviving.
He asked if I knew what I wanted in life, and I replied, ‘Yes, I know what I want.’ Even though I’m currently in ‘survival’ mode, my aim is to transition to the ‘thriving’ mode.”
“So what do you believe? Are you religious?” He asked.
I replied,
“I’m not religious. But I believe in a higher power. I like reading and listening to good advice. I also like observing the trends, making notes, and comparing them with what I’ve read or listened to.
What I truly believe is that each of us has been brought to Earth for one or some purpose and this purpose depends on our uniqueness. Our task is to bring our uniqueness to flower to its full potential.
I wholeheartedly believe that we should live according to our passion and not be driven by money.”
“What? You don’t like money?” The taxi driver interrupted me.
“I like money. Oh I really like money. Money is power. I’m fully aware of it. What I’m trying to say is that money WILL follow you when you’re aligned with your purpose.”
“How do we do that?” he asked.
“Think of what activities you enjoy doing.” I replied.
“I like eating.” He laughed.
I laughed. Well, okay, then perhaps you might consider being a food critic or someone who writes restaurant reviews. The important point is, that you must be really good at this particular skill or talent, AND your skill solves people’s problems AND people value your skills. This, I guarantee 100% that money WILL follow you rather than you chasing after money.
“Oh.” That’s his only reply.
The trip ended. I said goodbye. He said, “Thank you for the advice, it’s really thought-provoking.”
Now, I hope that any of you who are still confused about what you want in life can consider taking my advice. Start by recognising the uniqueness you possess, master this uniqueness, and use it to solve people’s problems.
Because… living from one high to another is not really ‘living’; it’s just ‘surviving.’ But then again, who am I to judge? Some people may remain in survival mode for the rest of their lives, and that’s okay. There are many important lessons to be learned in survival mode, including the discovery of your talents and uniqueness.
If you choose to ignore your talents and uniqueness and stay in survival mode for the rest of your life, you may experience bitterness, resentment, and depression, but who am I to judge? Perhaps there are valuable lessons within these experiences, lessons that might upgrade your soul in the next lifetime. Who knows?
And most importantly, it’s never too late to follow your dreams. Remember the meme I put on my Facebook wall last week? Here it is: