Happy International Women’s Day 2022

Happy International Women’s Day to all women around the world. If I am to advise young women (and the not so young too, like me), here is my advice:

  1. You’re a human, you have the freedom to choose. Choose to have children, choose NOT to have children. Just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you have to do what other women do. Get married, stay single, go casual, whatever you want BUT be aware that every choice has its own pros and cons. Do what you want to do, or better: do what your higher self wants you to do. Meditate regularly to listen to what your higher self wants. 
  2. Be careful with the word ‘love’, especially when you were raised in an abusive environment (physical, verbal, psychological, emotional, religious abuse). Ignoring your needs is NOT love. Most women who were raised in an abusive environment have been brainwashed into confusing abuse and love. If you’re with someone who ignores your needs, either negotiate or get out. Anything in between will only drain you: your emotion, your time, and your energy. Keep life simple and focused on your life’s purpose. Every single soul born has a purpose: to align their life with their life’s task, which is to discover their uniqueness and bring it to flower to its full potential. Here are a few questions to help you discover your life’s purpose: click here.
  3. If anyone makes fun of the size of women’s brains being smaller than men’s brains, which is naively concluded that a smaller brain means less intelligence, tell them that Albert Einstein’s brain is smaller than average men’s brains. And elephants’ brains are larger than humans’ brains. Does that make elephants more intelligent than humans? 
  4. Celebrating International Women’s Day doesn’t divide humans based on gender. Celebrating it means we appreciate all women’s struggles so far to achieve the freedom all humans should have: the right to vote, access to education, access to career (no wage gap and glass ceiling), the right to not get married and still able to own land, the right not to have children, and many more. We should also remember there are still -and try our best to help- millions of girls in third world countries that still haven’t got access to education. And did I mention child brides? It’s the most sickening and cruellest practice humans do to their daughters.

I hope International Women’s Day is here to stay for us to celebrate and to remember how far human rights have been made available for women and how they can progress more to the ideal state, where women have the freedom to choose whether they want to fit in the traditional gender role or be as free as they want to be. And most importantly, something we all must remember:

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