Life, to some (or perhaps many?) people, is meaningless. They think everybody is going to die anyway, so why bother with it. There’s no purpose, they say. Some people brag about not wanting money and fame, and are excessively proud of their slow life. They think they’re hip and cool for being able to detach from the materialistic world by not having any aspirations. Slow life is good. But simply staring at the grass and clouds with no aspiration to develop and improve your talents, and then bragging about your so-called happy life, is not hip and cool. You’re wasting your potential. Here are some questions to ask about yourself to discover your life’s purpose.
Tag: drug addiction
Video Games: Good or Bad?
If you ask me: “Are video games good or bad?”, as a gamer, I’d answer: “Of course good.” But my common sense would say, “Depends. Like anything in life, anything can be good or bad depending on how you use it.”