Don’t Judge Ourselves? We Should! But Do It Properly!

Many of us, when we’ve done something embarrassing, unpleasant, or are simply having negative thoughts, often judge ourselves harshly, which inevitably makes us feel worse. Those who choose not to judge end up suppressing or repressing their ‘unpleasant parts’, not wanting to admit the existence of the unpleasant parts, let alone deal with them. These repressed unpleasant parts grow into what Carl Jung calls “shadows”. Over time, these shadows leak through snarky comments here and there or unexplained hatred towards innocent people. What I suggest is, if we are to judge ourselves, we should go ahead and judge ourselves. But we should do it properly: go all the way setting a court with at least three people in it: a judge, a plaintiff, a defendant. And probably some police officers, just in case the plaintiff or defendant gets into a fistfight or something. 

Destructive and Productive Things to Do After a Breakup

Breakups have become something normal to me. It’s no longer an earthquake-like event. It’s more like, oh, we’re not compatible, OK then, bye. But I’d still cry solitarily if I really like the person. Sometimes I’d cry for several days. Or weeks. Or months. In this post, I’d like to share what I know (from personal experiences, personal observation on friends’ experiences, and from reading books and articles) about how to deal with breakups. The first part is how to deal with it destructively and the second part is how to deal with it productively.

12 Mood-Boosting Activities You Can Do When You’re All Alone and Feeling Bored

Single people who live alone are among the loneliest during the lockdown. Some experience depression, some experience anxiety, some have the combo of both, and some simply experience boredom. So in case you’re back to the lockdown restriction, you need to know what to do to make you feel better when you’re alone. Here is a list of activities that may help lonely people to lighten up.